Welcom to Chie's ZUMBA class website.
数あるZUMBA Classの中から見つけて頂きありがとうございます。
This is a dance fitness programme that moves the body to Latin music and various other genres from around the world.
In addition to getting closer to a healthy body both mentally and physically by relieving stress and burning fat, not to mention the lack of exercise, there are also benefits of making friends☝️
ZUMBA beginners, inexperienced dancers and those who aren't good at dancing are also welcome🎶.
The aim isn't to dance well, but to enjoy ZUMBA with the aim of having fun and moving your body 🙌.
If you like music, maybe you can find your favourite song?😊
We hope it will also be a place where you can expand your circle of friends.
☆You are welcome to bring your children.
(⚠️ However, we do not have a nursery, so please look after your own children during the lesson to ensure they are not in danger)
☆If you pay by online banking, please pay by 10:00a.m. on the day of the lesson.
Date/日時 | On Thursday/毎週木曜日 |
Time/時間 | 11:00a.m-12:00p.m |
Address/住所 | 219 High Street, Acton, W3 9BY |
Nearest station/最寄駅 | Tube ⭐︎ Acton Town (Piccadilly Line/District Line) Bus Stop ⭐︎ King Street 70/207/218/266/440/E3/N7/N11/N207/N266 Steyne Road 70/207/218/E3/N7/N11/N207 |
Belongings/持ち物 | Drink/Towel/comfortable clothes 飲み物/タオル/うんどうしやすい服装 |
Price/料金 | 1回:£10 Trial体験:£5 |
Payment/お支払方法 | Online banking or オンラインバンキングor当日現金 |
ZUMBAを続けていたら私生活でも代謝が良くなったり、ガチガチだった身体がほんの少ーーーしですが柔らかくなりました‹‹\(´ω` )/››
Hello evryone.I'm Chié.
I aim to have a lot of fun with lots of people and to have a good time moving my body in ZUMBA.
And I hope that through ZUMBA, the community will grow and this will become one of the places where everyone can relax.
And I study English now.
Please teach me English🥺
【My Favorite】
Listen to the music/Singing/Disney in general/Anime/Video Games